What Color is Your Universe

You are the Center of Your Universe.

No. Not THE Universe.

YOUR Universe.

You are the only person that experiences life the way you do. No one else on earth can. No one else sees the colors of your reality. It’s your unique perspective.

But don’t feel special just yet.

You see, while You are the Center of Your Universe, I am the Center of Mine, and a lot of times we forget that, especially in a culture that caters to egocentrism.  That’s what that is. Egocentrism.

While no one can see the world like you, you cannot see the world like all those other people out there who are the Centers of Their Universes. It doesn’t mean that we can’t relate to each other’s realities. Indeed, we do that more than we think, but the conundrum is we often do the opposite. We focus on the differences.

And then try to exert ourselves into or onto their realities.

When we look out into our Universe and see people doing things differently from ourselves, we have… feelings. And those feelings color our picture of what is going on. We start to (easily) forget that those other human beings are the Center of Their Universes and are coloring their own pictures.

No, I’m not justifying certain damaging behaviors, or picking any sides just now, I’m simply talking about how we pick our crayons to color our Universe coloring book. And I’m also pointing out that we try to color other peoples’ Universes when we don’t like their colors.

What’s my point?

If we can remember that we are not the only person in the universe, that other people have their own color scheme, we can learn to be less reactive.

And being less reactive, especially now in these uncertain times, is not only good for you, but for everyone else. Why? Because by doing so, by being less reactive we are actually able to keep our mind from automatically choosing the crayons. In general, when left to its own devices, especially when feeling threatened, our minds always goes for the crappy colors. The colors that represent all the negativity in the world. When we use our conscious mind, we can take the box back and choose the crayons we want to. And, more importantly, we can choose not to try and use our crayons on another person’s Universe.

It does take some effort, but you can do it. So, take some time and choose some different colors, because you are the center of Your Universe.

If you want to hear more about this topic, listen to my new radio show, called What Drives You! (ComingSoon!Look for it). And, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at mike@mikegorday.com.